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Auto Repair and Tire Service in Greenbrier, AR

McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros was established in 1951 by Mr. Abe McKinney. Abe McKinney ran a very successful business based on customer service and integrity. In 1982 Frank Earney started working for McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros as a laborer. His duties included changing tires, repairing flats, and recapping. Frank and his wife, Kathy, bought McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros in April 1984. The McKinney name was not changed, due to Frank wanting to run the business with the same strong customer service and integrity that was passed on by Abe McKinney.

white car moving in traffic

Offering Automotive Services

In March 1998, McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros, which was located at 710 Harkrider, moved to 600 South Harkrider. To better serve customers, a decision was made to add automotive services. At this time, McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros became McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros Inc. Frank and Kathy Earney hired ASE mechanics and support staff with the same integrity and personal service that had kept McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros as a successful family-owned business since 1951.

Your Local Tire Pros Dealer

In January 2012, McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros became a Tire Pros dealer. There was a lot of thought, process, and evaluation that went into this decision. We feel that being part of Tire Pros allows us to service our customers better. Tire Pros has over 400 locations nationwide. Any services that are performed at McKinney Tire & Auto Center will be warranted at any of the 400 locations. We feel that will be a peace of mind for our customers. Below are some programs that we feel at McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros will be a great benefit to our valued customers.

In January 2014, Rustin and Andrea Standridge became the new owners of McKinney Tire Pros and Monroe’s Tire Pros. Rustin was a long-time employee and sales manager, and now as owner is happy to continue providing great auto service and tires to customers in Greenbrier, AR.

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