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Shock and Strut Services in AR

Your shocks and struts keep your vehicle stable and your ride smooth. Monroe's Tire Pros in AR performs all sorts of shock and strut services, from routine maintenance to complete replacements. When your shocks and struts become worn out, you will feel every bump on the road. It can also be flat-out dangerous. Your shocks and struts keep your vehicle stable and determine how well you can handle your vehicle. Even worse, old shocks can reduce your braking speed. If you haven’t had your shocks or struts checked recently, bring them to our shop for an inspection.

man tightening bolts on tire

How Are Shocks and Struts Different?

Shocks and struts are often mentioned in the same breath because they are both vital components of any vehicle’s suspension. However, they are two distinctly different parts of your car, truck, or SUV. Each of them serves their own purpose:

  • Shocks – Your shock absorbers are responsible for keeping the bumps, potholes, and rough patches of the road from shaking your vehicle too much. Shocks improve the handling of your vehicle but also protect the rest of your vehicle from damage. Too much shaking and bouncing can damage the less flexible parts under your hood. It’s much more expensive to replace most of those parts than it is to maintain your shocks properly.
  • Struts – Struts also help absorb the impact from a rough road, but they also maintain the height of your vehicle. As you accelerate, turn, or stop, your vehicle’s weight shifts. If the vehicle dips too much in any direction, it can negatively impact your control of the vehicle. So, one sign that your struts might be unsafe is if you notice your vehicle’s front-end dipping when you come to a stop or the rear end squatting as you accelerate.

Get a Free Estimate From Monroe's Tire Pros Today!

When you notice that your car, truck, or SUV is riding less smoothly than it did when you got it, you should bring it to Monroe's Tire Pros for shock and strut services today. Our expert mechanics have experience with all makes and models. We also offer free estimates for all our shock and strut services. To get your shocks and struts checked, you can visit our shop, call us, or request an appointment online.

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