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Alternator and Starter Services in AR

The alternator and starter on your vehicle help ensure that it starts when you turn your key. Monroe's Tire Pros in AR performs routine maintenance and specialized repairs on alternators and starters. The starter takes power from your battery and spins the flywheel, which gets your car, truck, or SUV going. On the other hand, the alternator is responsible for recharging your battery while you are driving. So, a problem with either of these components will cause your vehicle not to start one day. For that reason, it’s vital to get both these parts routinely inspected and maintained. Schedule your maintenance today.

man inspecting underbody of car

Catching Your Alternator Problems Early

Catching alternator and starter problems early is the only way to make sure your vehicle starts every day. When your alternator is totally dead, it will make a clicking noise as you try to start it. Your vehicle can start with a dead alternator, but it is unlikely since a dead alternator won’t charge your battery. At this point, it is too late. Monroe's Tire Pros wants to help you catch your alternator problem before this point. There are a few indicators that your alternator is failing. Bring your vehicle into our service shop right away if you notice:

  • Flickering or dim lights
  • Check Engine Light on your instrument panel
  • Malfunctioning electrical system
  • An unexpected dead battery
  • Regularly jump-starting your vehicle

Talk to One of Monroe's Tire Pros’ Experts Today!

When you notice any suspicious activity from your car as you start it, there may be an issue with your alternator or starter. Monroe's Tire Pros has a team of qualified mechanics that can diagnose these problems and perform quick repairs. Our goal is always to get you and your family back on the road as soon as possible at an affordable price. To start scheduling service, you can request an appointment online or call our shop directly.

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