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Muffler and Exhaust System Repairs in AR

Your vehicle’s muffler and exhaust systems involve a lot more than just your tailpipe. Monroe's Tire Pros in AR performs muffler and exhaust system repairs. If you have a faulty muffler or exhaust system, it can cause problems with your vehicle’s performance and emissions. This can even leak dangerous gases and fumes into your vehicle for you to breathe. Don’t take that risk. If you have noticed any issues, including a dragging or excessively loud muffler, bring your car, truck, or SUV into our shop to have it inspected and repaired by a team of professionals you can trust.

man inspecting underbody of car

Signs That You Need Muffler and Exhaust System Repairs

While the average exhaust system should last somewhere between 40,000 and 80,000 miles, it is not uncommon for them to break sooner. Monroe's Tire Pros’s experts always try to perform muffler and exhaust system repairs, but sometimes the damage requires us to replace the whole system. We can only prevent replacing an entire system if we catch a problem early. So, bring your vehicle into our team immediately if you notice:

  • Unusually loud exhaust sounds
  • Condensation or moisture buildup on or around your exhaust pipe
  • Banging or clunking noises
  • An Engine that regularly misfires or rattles
  • Dragging, loose, or dangling muffler

Bring Your Vehicle to Monroe's Tire Pros Today!

Don’t continue driving around with a faulty muffler or exhaust system any longer than is absolutely necessary. It can increase emissions, harm performance, and make your vehicle a loud nuisance to others on the road. Even worse, the fumes can leak into your car, becoming a danger to you. Monroe's Tire Pros’s muffler and exhaust system repair team will get you fixed up and back on the road before you know it. To arrange service, you can request an appointment online, call us, or stop by our shop anytime.

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