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Impressive Michelin® Tires Selection in AR

Monroe's Tire Pros proudly provides drivers in AR with a Michelin® tire selection to suit any vehicle need and top-quality automotive care. Whether you need performance tires on your sports car or replacement tires on your minivan, we have you covered in any tire situation. Our sales team can show you which options best fit your vehicle and driving preferences. Once you select your new Michelin® tires, we offer installation services backed by nationwide warranties. These warranties ensure your protection wherever the road may take you.

man inspecting tire

Reasons to Choose Michelin® Tires?

When people talk about tires, Michelin® is a popular brand name everyone knows. The company has been around since 1889 and has grown into the world’s top-selling tire brand. We’re not surprised by this at all. Michelin® has a full line of tires to suit every need on cars, trucks, and SUVs. These tires also offer all the following benefits:

  • Greater Durability
  • Improved Grip
  • Greater Comfort
  • More Fuel Efficiency
  • Improved Handling
  • Improved Longevity
  • Complete Satisfaction

Find the Right Michelin® Tires for Your Vehicle

You should always consider the local climate, driving conditions, and your vehicle type when purchasing new tires for a car, truck, or SUV. Our team will guide you through the selection process to ensure you have our professional insight and recommendations when deciding. We have ample training and expertise in all Michelin® tire categories and models and will gladly explain which options fit your standard or luxury vehicle from the following choices:

All-Season Tires

You get outstanding performance in a wide array of weather conditions with these tires. Whether there’s rain, snow, or sunlight on the road, you can drive with confidence.

All-Terrain Tires

These tires offer the best performance whether you explore the county’s highways or take an off-road adventure on dirt or gravel.

Car Tires

Most common passenger vehicles can use these tires as an all-purpose option while driving, including coupes, sedans, crossovers, and minivans.

Competition Tires

We proudly offer these DOT-approved Pilot Sport Cup tires with outstanding handling and traction in dry and wet conditions.

Performance Tires

Drivers who prioritize sport and performance enjoy Michelin’s® performance options, including Pilot, Energy, and Primary Lines. These tires match your vehicle’s engine.

Snow & Winter Tires

Get reliable, steady traction in snowy and icy road conditions with the Alpin and X-Ice snow tires, ready to help you drive safely when the temperature drops.

Summer Tires

Michelin® manufactures their summer tires specifically for warm climates without radical seasonal changes or snowy conditions.

Touring Tires

Michelin’s® quality touring tires feature impressive hallmarks like year-round traction and all-purpose driving.

Truck Tires

If you drive your SUV or truck over dirt and gravel paths as much as you cruise the highway, we have Michelin® tires to suit trucks and SUVs of any size.

Backing Tires With the Michelin® Promise Plan™

With the Michelin® Promise Plan™, you get guaranteed customer satisfaction because they stand behind their products with a generous warranty. Monroe's Tire Pros wants you to enjoy 100% satisfaction with light truck or passenger replacement tires from Michelin®, so we back them with the Michelin® Promise Plan™.

  • 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee*
  • 3-Year Roadside Assistance**
  • Standard Limited Warranty and Limited Mileage Warranty***
  • Warranty Information

Shop Michelin’s® Reliable Tires

If you’re looking for a new set of tires in AR, you can come visit Monroe's Tire Pros in-person, shop online, or call us on the phone. We have a wide selection of Michelin® tires for any size car, truck, and SUV. Every set of Michelin® tires is backed by the Michelin® Promise Plan™, ensuring you can drive with confidence with support from their nationally recognized warranty. Contact us today to learn more about our extensive collection of Michelin® tires and choose a set the fits your vehicle and driving needs.

*Certain conditions and limitations apply. See the Michelin® Owner’s Manual for complete description and details.

**This service does not cover the repair or replacement of your tire. Service applies only to motorized passenger and light truck vehicles and specifically excludes trailers, recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles, and any vehicle used for farm, ranch, agriculture, racing, or off-road service.

***Excludes DOT-approved competition tires (e.g., MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport Cup tires) and Original Equipment tires starting with the 2018 model year. Mileage warranties vary by tire line. See your tire retailer or click here for more details on specific mileage warranties, including those for split fitments.

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