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Brake Repairs in AR

Monroe's Tire Pros in AR performs brake repairs and maintenance. Your brakes are the main safety features on your car, and keeping them in top working condition is vital to your safety. Brakes are more than just the brake pads though, there is an entire brake system that works to make sure your car, truck, or SUV stops when you hit your brake pedal. This includes your brake lines, brake fluid, calipers, rotors, brake pads, and much more. Any part of this system can malfunction or wear out. If you haven’t had your brakes inspected recently, schedule service with one of our mechanics as soon as possible.

man working on car break pads

Signs That Your Vehicle Needs Brake Repairs

The only way to ensure that your brakes are working correctly is to have one of Monroe's Tire Pros‘ mechanics or technicians perform a thorough inspection. We can check everything from the brake lines to the calipers and make recommended repairs. However, there are some signs that your brakes are starting to wear out or break. Many drivers’ biggest fear is for their brakes to stop working while they are driving. So, bring your vehicle for service immediately if you notice:

  • Excessive shaking or vibrating when traveling at high speeds
  • Squealing, grinding, or squeaking noises
  • Brake pedal needs more force to stop or does not spring back up after stopping
  • The smell of something burning
  • Brake Pedal depresses too easily
  • Brake warning light on your instrument panel
  • Vehicle drifts to the right or left side of the road

Get an Appointment at Monroe's Tire Pros for Brake Repairs

When you notice that you have an issue with your brakes, you need an automotive service shop you can trust. Monroe's Tire Pros performs excellent brake repairs at an affordable price. We are so certain of the quality and pricing of our work that we offer free estimates for all brake services. Our goal is to keep everyone on the road safe, which means having fully functioning brakes. Don’t put off your brake repairs, maintenance, and inspections another day. To start scheduling your brake services, drivers can request an appointment online or call our shop directly.

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