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Elevate Your Driving Experience With a New Set of Wheels

At Monroe's Tire Pros in AR, we dedicate ourselves to serving the automotive enthusiast who knows life is best lived in motion. We believe inspiration has no boundaries and that your next adventure is just around the corner. Whether you need wheels for your truck, SUV, sedan, coupe or electric, we can style and fit you with the right set of wheels.

Our commitment to craftsmanship and performance has led us to partner with the best wheel brands in the industry, such as TIS Wheels, Dropstars, Gear Off Road, DRIFZ, Motiv Off Road, and more.

Ready to shop? Use our wheel visualizer tool to start styling your vehicle. Find a style you like? Simply request a quote, and one of our expert team members will be in touch.

Shop the Best Brands of Custom Wheels

New wheels are a fast and affordable customization option for cars and trucks that often draw the most attention. With various choices like black, red, chrome, or silver, you can differentiate your vehicle and stand out in a crowd with incredible products from these top brands.

Black Rock®

Choose a different path with steel or aluminum wheels from Black Rock®.

BMF® Wheels

Makers of custom off-road wheels for trucks.

Bravado Performance

Wheels designed for today’s modern American muscle car.


Chrome, steel, and mag wheels from the makers of the original muscle car wheel.

Cruiser Alloy

Alloy wheels by Cruiser are lighter than steel and provide better acceleration and stopping.

Dick Cepek Tires & Wheels

DC-2 Black, DC Torque, and DC Matrix are built for those that live the wild, adventurous life.


The flow-forming technology by DRIFZ results in a lighter, stronger wheel with greater shock performance.


Specializing in off-road custom wheels featuring milled accents, mirror-machined faces, and more.


The 3-piece wheel line is designed for hot rods, muscle cars, and trucks.


Ultra Wheels’ Focal line is specifically designed for street-tuned vehicles looking for performance and style.


This Italian company offers wheels in their STC, 9Performance, and Signature series for luxury, performance, and exotic cars.


Available in cast one-piece, forged Monoblock, and forged 2-piece styles, Gear wheels deliver high-performance for any off-road jeep, truck, or SUV.

ICW Racing

Get a stylish look and incredible performance at an affordable price in a wide choice of finishes.


Konig is one of the most widely recognized names in aftermarket wheels producing high-quality rims for vehicles of all types.


Lexani specializes in alloy wheels that stand out from the rest for luxury and exotic sports cars.


Mamba off-road alloy wheels are built for trucks, jeeps, and SUVs that want that rugged, aggressive stance.


Get the Konig quality at an affordable price with their line of Maxxim aftermarket wheels.

Mickey Thompson

You can’t beat the lifetime limited warranty on these off-road wheels for trucks and SUVs.


Monster off-road tires are available machined or milled in a variety of finishes, including candy red, black, chrome, and mirrored.


Motiv offers one of the largest selections of wheels with options for passenger cars, off-road vehicles, light trucks, and SUVs.

OE Performance

OE Performance manufactures wheels specially designed to fit late model cars and trucks.


Pacer rims have been providing car owners with reliable aftermarket rims at great prices since 1972.


Ultra Wheels’ line of luxury wheels is available in various finishes, including black, silver, and chrome.


Another line from industry veteran Konig Wheels, Privat is an elite brand for high-performance vehicles.


Rolling Big Power Wheels. The name says it all. Made for trucks that need large, custom wheels for power.


Big off-road wheels for an aggressive look that defines authority.

Ultra Wheel

The Ultra Wheel Company delivers custom aftermarket wheels for all vehicles, including performance sport, off-road, crossovers, trailers, and more.

Worx Alloy

Shop a great selection of alloy wheels with fine detail and daring design for off-road jeeps and trucks.

Find Aftermarket Wheels for Your Vehicle

Monroe's Tire Pros carries one of the largest selections of aftermarket wheels for sports cars, luxury vehicles, off-road trucks, and more. Owners who take pride in their ride want customizations that bring a little swagger. Our wheel specialists speak that language, so stop by today and let us help you find a new set of wheels for your vehicle.

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