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Wheel Alignment Services in AR

Wheel alignment is one of the most commonly overlooked automotive services. At Monroe's Tire Pros in AR, we know how important proper wheel alignment is. It is more than just making sure your tires are all facing the same direction, although we do that with great precision. It also includes adjusting your entire suspension, which is vital to your vehicle’s steering. If you need to get your wheels aligned, we have a team of experienced mechanics to help. Bring your vehicle to our shop for service today.

mechanic rolling tire

Identifying When You Need a Wheel Alignment

The wheels and suspension on your vehicle become unaligned gradually. So, the average driver struggles to notice when their car, truck, or SUV’s wheels are out of alignment. Monroe's Tire Pros has provided some of the most common warning signs that your tires are out of alignment here:

  • The vehicle drives straight even though the steering wheel is off-center
  • Your tires’ tread is wearing unevenly
  • The vehicle pulls to one side of the road
  • Noticeable vibration when turning

Why Are My Wheels Becoming Misaligned?

At Monroe's Tire Pros, we notice many different causes of wheel misalignment. In many cases, it is simply a matter of time. All wheels will slowly shift out of alignment over time. However, some things can cause your wheels to become misaligned suddenly. One of the most common causes of sudden misalignment are impacts. Anytime you hit a curb or a pothole, the force can change the alignment of one or more tires. So, all drivers should keep an eye out for the signs of misaligned tires anytime there is such an impact.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you are a driver who has noticed that your vehicle is drifting or your tires are wearing unevenly, it may be time for a simple wheel alignment. Monroe's Tire Pros has a team of mechanics and technicians trained to work on all makes and models. We offer free estimates on all services to make your wheel alignment easier. So, don’t wait any longer. Schedule your appointment today. To get started, call our shop or request an appointment online.

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