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Your Local Uniroyal Tire Dealer in AR

Monroe's Tire Pros AR is proud to be your local dealer for reliable tires from Uniroyal. Whether you’ve experienced an irreparable flat tire, have worn treads, or need to update tires for different terrain, we carry an incredible selection of Uniroyal tires to meet the various needs of drivers throughout the region. With knowledgeable sales and expert installations, our tire center is your one-stop shop for all things related to your vehicle’s maintenance and wheels.

mechanic rolling tire

Dependable and Affordable Tires

One of the most unique things about Uniroyal tires is how long they’ve been around making these products. The company started as a rubber manufacturing company before the turn of the 20th century and quickly moved into tires. They’ve been driving ahead as a leader in that industry ever since. When companies have been around that long, you know they’re doing something right. Automobile owners all over agree that the quality, dependability, and affordability of Uniroyal tires are what make them such an attractive brand.

Choose Your Type of Tire

Uniroyal tires perform exceptionally in both wet and dry conditions. They are also regarded throughout the industry as producing some of the most long-lasting tires for passenger vehicles on the market. No matter which type of vehicle you drive or the terrain you need to travel across, Uniroyal has a dependable option for you. Choose from:


For performance 12 months throughout the year


For long-lasting treads, year-round performance, and comfort on highway trips

Car Tires

To perfectly match any sedan, coupe, or minivan

Truck Tires

For light trucks, SUVs, and crossovers to meet a variety of driving styles

Find All of Your Tire Needs at Monroe's Tire Pros

Shopping for tires doesn’t have to be an overwhelming or intimidating experience. While there are many brands and styles to choose from, the tire specialists at Monroe's Tire Pros will help narrow down your search and remove the hassle from the process. With a complete selection of Uniroyal tires to choose from, you can find a tire within your budget that will last for a long time. You’ll never have to worry about durability on the roads around town or for long trips on the highway. Visit to learn more about Uniroyal tires today.

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