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Get what you need with Acima.

Monroe’s Tire Pros has partnered with Acima to offer a flexible, lease-to-own solution that helps you take home the merchandise you need without using credit.

  • Instant Shopping Power
    Get approved to lease merchandise with a retail cash price of $300 to $5,000.**
  • No Credit Alternative*
    Shop for what you want without using credit or increasing your debt.
  • Easy Payment Options
    Make flexible payments that are conveniently scheduled with your payday.

Apply Now

Just a few basic requirements to get approved.

Active checking account with at least $1,000 of income per month
3 months of income history with your current source of income
Government-issued photo ID and SSN or Taxpayer ID Number

Choose the path to ownership that’s right for you.

Early Purchase Savings

You can purchase at any point during the lease for a significant discount. Do so within the first 90 days (3-months in CA) for the biggest savings.

Complete the Lease

After all scheduled payments have been made as detailed in your agreement, the merchandise is yours to keep.

For further information, please visit Acima’s FAQ.

*The advertised transaction is a rental purchase agreement (rent-to-own agreement, consumer rental-purchase agreement or a lease/lease-purchase agreement depending on your state) provided by Acima. You will not own the merchandise until the total amount necessary to acquire ownership is paid in full or you exercise your early purchase option. Ownership is optional. Approval subject to review and verification of your application. Not all applicants are approved. Approval amount based on retail price of host retailer. *“Shop without credit” means that this is not a credit, loan, or financing transaction. We consider multiple data points in reviewing your application and regularly approve customers with less than perfect credit history.

**”Get approved for up to $5,000” refers to the maximum amount Acima will spend to acquire goods from a retailer to provide to you, subject to a lease purchase transaction. The Acima cash price may include a markup over invoice price. Acquiring ownership by leasing costs more than the retailer’s cash price. See your lease for payment amounts and rental terms.