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Differential Repairs in AR

Your differentials are the true unsung heroes of your vehicle. Most people don’t know what their differentials are until they break and need differential repairs. Monroe's Tire Pros in AR performs all forms of service on differentials when they break. However, it is useful for vehicle owners to understand what they are to keep an eye out for signs of issues with their differentials. The differential is the part of your vehicle that allows wheels to move at different speeds. This is especially important when taking turns. When you turn, the outside wheel must move faster than the inside wheel because it needs to cover a farther distance within the same amount of time.

man inspecting underbody of car

How to Know When You Need Differential Repairs

Noticing a differential that is beginning to break can be difficult, but it is possible. Ultimately, the only way to diagnose issues with your differential is to bring it to a team of professional mechanics and technicians like Monroe's Tire Pros. Also, keep in mind that all-wheel-drive vehicles will have two differentials, one in the front and one in the back, while other vehicles will only have one differential. You are right to suspect there is a problem with your differential if you notice:

  • Loud noise when braking or decelerating
  • A ticking or clicking sound when you begin to accelerate
  • Strange noises when turning
  • Whining or howling when speeding up
  • Shaking when taking turns at 20 MPH or faster
  • Shaking that worsens as you accelerate

Schedule Your Differential Repairs at Monroe's Tire Pros

When you need differential repairs, there are many different solutions depending on the situation. The repairs can range from gasket and pinion seal replacements to complete differential rebuilds. This is why it’s vital to take your vehicle to a shop you can trust when you are faced with these sorts of repairs. Monroe's Tire Pros guarantees honest and reliable repairs on all differentials. We provide all vehicle owners with a free estimate beforehand because we are confident in our work. To schedule your service, you can request an appointment online or call our shop.

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