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Lifting, Leveling, and Lowering Kits in AR

Some cars and trucks look and perform better at a different height than the standard factory settings. Monroe's Tire Pros in AR installs lifting, leveling, and lowering kits on vehicles to make them sit at the height you prefer. Whether you want your car to ride lower to the ground or you want to lift your truck to fit larger rims, our mechanics and technicians have the experience to do the job. Learn more about our lifting, leveling, and lowering kits and why they may be just right for your car, truck, or SUV.

lifted truck on river cliff

The Differences Between Lifting, Leveling, and Lowering Kits

The differences between Monroe's Tire Pros’s lifting, leveling, and lowering kits are worth understanding. A leveling kit actually provides a few inches of lift, especially to the front of your vehicle. Most trucks sit in a nose-down stance, but many drivers prefer the look of a slightly higher sitting front end. This is what a leveling kit does for you. On the other hand, a lowering kit will bring your vehicle closer to the street. This is most often a stylistic choice because many people love the look of a lowrider. Similarly, a lifting kit will raise your vehicle a few inches, which can make a huge difference when trying to fit larger rims or when taking a vehicle off-road.

Come Meet Monroe's Tire Pros Today!

If you have been thinking about modifying your vehicle’s suspension, consult Monroe's Tire Pros’s team of expert mechanics today. We have enough experience with lifting, leveling, and lowering kits to guide you in the best direction. You do not want to damage an expensive vehicle by lowering it too much or installing the kit incorrectly. Let us make your vehicle look and perform just the way you want. To start installing your kit, you can call our shop, come in person, or request an appointment online.

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